Product description
Carrier air conditioning 5 hp cold hot 53QHET36N-708F
In the heating mode, the temperature rises rapidly to reach the desired level faster.
This mode is ideal when you need to quickly cool or warm up the room, such as when returning home or receiving unexpected guests.
Turbo Mode helps to quickly reach the desired temperature, which enhances comfort and reduces the time required for the unit to operate to maintain this degree.
During summer heatwaves, this mode contributes to the rapid cooling of the room at high temperatures. And in winter, it warms up the room faster during cold days.
The Turbo feature of the device is convenient for times when immediate rest is required.
It allows the fan to work at multiple speeds instead of just on and off, which means it can gradually adjust its speed to meet cooling or heating needs.
The automatic mode aims to maintain a comfortable indoor environment while improving energy efficiency, adjusting the fan speed as needed to achieve and maintain the desired temperature.
The 5 hp carrier has an automatic mode feature that prioritizes quiet operation, especially during periods when the air conditioner is not efficient at cooling or heating, which reduces noise levels.
The 3-step fan speed setting allows users to manually adjust the speed based on room size, occupancy level, and personal comfort preferences. A higher fan speed can be selected for faster cooling or heating, or a lower speed for quieter operation.
Ease of use facilitates the operation process and allows convenient adjustments, which enhances user comfort and satisfaction.
Flexibility provides the ability to manage the indoor climate from anywhere inside the room, making it easier to achieve and maintain the required comfort levels.
Enhanced control provides comprehensive control over the functions of the unit, ensuring you the ability to adjust the settings according to your own needs.
The function serves to evenly distribute the air flow throughout the room, both horizontally and vertically.
Carrier air conditioning 5 hp cold hot